Statistical evidence suggests between 10 %26amp; 23% of clergy nationwide have engaged in sexual behaviour with parishioners/clients/employees. (quote from "Policies and Procedures on Sexual Misconduct" - General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA 1991)
In one survey, 23% of evangelical ministers admitted to sexually inappropriate behaviour during the course of their ministry, and 12% admitted to sexual intercourse with someone other than their spouse. (cited in Christianity Today USA "Conduct Unbecoming to a Preacher" - 10 Feb 1992)
17.8% of all "born again" Christian adults (in America) have visited sexually-oriented Websites (Zogby survey conducted for Focus on the Family, 2000).
51% of pastors say cyberporn is a possible temptation. 37% say it is a current struggle (Christianity Today, Leadership Survey, December 2001). 4 in 10 pastors have visited a porn site (Christianity Today, Leadership Survey, December 2001).
"the religious organization can be a “pedophile paradise,”..."
Why is christianity so laughably hypocritical when it comes to sexual morality.....?
Bottom line...all 100% had sex in one form or the other. So what's the point. I have kids, I do not see any other way of having them.
Reply:Christrianity is a gift by God. Those without sin cast the first stone. 1 John 1 chapter.
Temptation...James chapter 1. Satan does not tempt a person by the things he or she does not like. He tempts us according to our( likes) past experiences. If one had a problem with sex or porn or anything of that nature he presents it by imagination,voice of another or focus on a object of lust. The behavoir takes shape if it comes into the mind. Soon it gets into the heart and off you go. The act of sin.
Satan knows us and has watched us and heard us speak and think about the things he knows will capture us. God said keep every thought captive. It is in our weakness and we think we can do it on our own that we get caught up. 1 Samuel 12:19-25. We forget about God and want our own way. We do evil and we want God to bless it! The world is just as vile. Yet the religious people are looked on as wicked when they are found to do the same things. We do not pray for one another. God said "Where two or three are gathered in my name,I am there also."
Reply:This was your biggest worry today? You need a real life.
Reply:That is the nature of the beast. isn't it?
Reply:So what you're really saying is...
77-90% of clergy nationwide have not engaged in sexual behavior with parishioners, clients, or employees.
77% of evangelical ministers have not committed any sexually inappropriate behavior during the course of their ministry, and 88% have been completely faithful to their spouse.
82.2% of all "born again" American Christian adults have not visited sexually-oriented Websites.
49% of pastors say they are not tempted by cyberporn, 63% say it has never been a problem, and 60% have never visited a porn site.
Pretty good numbers, if you ask me. Especially when compared to the statistics of the non-religious crowd.
"The sins we see in others are usually the ones we see within ourselves."
Reply:Sex is natural, religion is not. Unfortunately some lunatics think the opposite.
Reply:The first commandment in the Bible is "increase %26amp; multiply", which is reasonable, because without it, the human race would end.
Christianity and any other religion which favours celibacy is obviously warped. The effect of the frustration is all the nastiness you suggest.
Reply:Note to CJ...
Nice to see that someone thinks that "Child Abuse" by the Church is just fine and dandy...
Satan must be proud of you
Reply:The real question is, why do these Christians think there is virtue in striving to be something no human can ever hope to be? Only a fool tries to deny his or her own nature.
There is absolutely no evidence (read zero, zilch, nada) that being this ideal "perfect person" is any better, or even potentially better, than being an ordinary, flawed human being.
They devote so much energy to fighting their natural urges, at the end of the day they end up consumed by imaginary guilt. How is this in any way considered "honest living?"
Reply:I don't think this will suprise anyone. There are hypocrites in all walks of life, because we are all human, and humans are a fallen race. The falling into temptation thing doesn't go away once you are a christian, and the hypocrisy only comes into play if a christian should judge anyone else for behaviour they themselves are guilty of. I'm sure most would agree that that happens a lot in all of us, not just christians. This fallen human nature actually supports the Bible assertion that all of us are born into sin, and that our natural human tendencies are towards doing 'wrong' (by God's standard rather than man's). Nowhere does the bible state that those who become Christians are instantly perfect, only it asks us to get to know Jesus better with a view to becoming more like him as time goes by.
Reply:It means they are not following their Christian values.
Reply:Christians aren't perfect, we're human just like everyone else.
God bless
Reply:All people sin, Christians included. If that's news to you, it's probably past your bedtime.
Reply:And your point is? Unless you can read minds you don't really know what a person is thinking no matter who it is. Nobody is perfect, and yeah there are weirdo's in every walk of life.
Reply:I know! did you hear about those priests though?........................!
When did she say it was her biggest worry?hmmm? People who dont like the questions always have to be so sarcastic.
Reply:those statistics are quite low, I'd have thought they would be higher.
mind you they are from those admitting to sexual misconduct, visiting porn sites etc. the actual figures must be higher.
Reply:I am a Christian and, unfortuantely, these facts are hard to argue against. However, priests, pastors and born-again Christians are no more perfect than any other people, Christians or not.
Christianity itself is not hypocritical, it is some followers who make it to seem perceived that way.
(And those facts, I assume, are American sources)
Reply:Its a hard life.
all religions rely on catching the followers at a very young age, and then grooming them into paying for the buildings and staff needed to prepare the future generations.
Sex is not the problem, its a natural thing, its the reason that we are all here... however, in order to control a population, you have to some sort of moral stranglehold over them. The church chooses a holier than thou stance which is impossible to keep up if you a normal person.
What I find more worrying, is the subversive way that the Church grooms young minds, and this leads to as disproportionate number of perverts hiding behind its facade. That is why the religious organisations are a paedophiles paradise - not sex, but the manner they groom immature minds into their beliefs are copied for sinister reasons.
Reply:and what is the percentage for the rest of the population?
Reply:Whats the question again? I fell asleep half way through reading the "book" that you wrote!
Reply:Know thy enemy, I guess they know it very well.
Reply:Well, I have every reason to believe Christianity is not the only religion like this. There will always be abuses in other religions.
Reply:Christians can be taken to task for their sins because they fall short of the ideal preached. That's why in Catholic Christianity we have the sacrament of reconciliation whereby we can seek forgiveness for our sins and obtain the grace we need to reform our lives. Other Christian traditions have similar such means of restoration.
Reply:Let's look over the main theme of Christianity for a minute:
We are not perfect, so God in his glory sent his son to die for our sins.
Does that make us stop sinning? NO!
If you think that joining a religion will cause you to stop sinning, you may be disappointed.
Reply:I think most religions are laughably hyprocritical on most subjects.
Reply:thankyou for citing your sources :) *hug*
Reply:How can a so-called perfect religion produce such a variety of misfits? Doesn't sound very perfect to be.
Reply:And many of us judge our own house first. Many of us hold our leadership accountable - in order to hopefully prevent a serious crime - and if one occurs, accountability makes sure it is dealt with swiftly. For that matter, our congregation removed a pastor from office for his cyber-porn problem. He was able to conquer the problem but he is no longer in leadership.
Porn and sex are a strong draw. No one is exempt from the temptations of it, even though as Christians, we are supposed to resist temptations call and draw strength from the Holy Spirit. But, we have the flaw of being human and as it is said, "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."
But, who am I to tell anyone outside of the Church what is sin or not anyway? If you do not follow God, to sin or not to sin is of no consequence to you, right? Yet, if my fellow Christian is taking part in some sin, I should say something because his actions affect the Kingdom of God.
Pedophile paradise is a strong accusation. I know that in my congregation as in others I know of, safeguards are put in place to prevent harm and protect our children from predators. Unfortunately, too many congregations do not practice enough safeguards.
The statistics you found are a sad truth. But, if you were to know churches like mine, you would find that many of us still "practice what we preach".
Reply:Our religion is perfect, not the followers.
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