Monday, May 24, 2010

20-minute power nap ‘helps workplace productivity’?

Arguing that a 20-minute siesta is as good as a full night’s sleep, a recent survey has found that employees in the USA are in favour of introducing the ‘Power Nap’ concept at work.


20-minute power nap ‘helps workplace productivity’?
I'm a napper from way back. I very strongly support the practice because of the health, and psychological benefits of a 15 - 20 min break during the day. For many years I've regularly used a 'power nap' to enter a deep, rejuvenating meditative state. I find that when I wake up I feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and raring to go.

The practice is also a significant aid to those with chronic pain. Entering the Beta, Delta, and Theta phases of sleep are extremely beneficial in a broad range of areas relating to human health and physiology. Different physiological activities occur during different phases of sleep. And, most people, with a little practice, can achieve, at least, a Beta State within 6-8 minutes.

As for the practice of the workplace exploring this option ... I think that those organizations who give the practice at least a year will see a positive change in their health care expenses.

Regarding implementation without significant productivity losses: perhaps converting the standard 1 hour lunch break to two 30 min. breaks (one of which being a power-nap). This would still leave time to eat lunch/or run an errand, while remaining committed to the healthful benefits of power-napping.
Reply:Thank you. Report Abuse

Reply:I think it's a good idea!
Reply:would love it . it has been proven to be very producitve.

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