Thursday, May 20, 2010

Simple survey business owners.?

I am currently working a project for a beginner's economics class. If any business owners could answer a few questions for me, it would be greatly appreciated. I tried to keep it short and simple. Also, Please try to be as honest as possible.

1) What is it that your business does?

2) How long have you been in business?

3) How large would you say your business is? (Explain in terms of employees, clients, output, facilities, etc. Whatever is most fitting.)

3) How much profit would you estimate you make in one year?

4) What types of formal education have you recieved?

5) What reasons did you have for starting your own business?

6) Are you aware of the terms implicit and explicit costs? If you are, could you please mention some things you consider when calculating your implicit and explicit costs?

7) Do you hire an accountant or an economist to assist you with your expenses?

8) What jobs have you had in the past,and how much would you estimate that you would make in a year?

Simple survey business owners.?
1 property management

2 1 year

3 two empolyees, myself included

3 in my ninth mo in biz I got my first check for $300

4 completed high school

5 i love what i do

6 i work from home so that cuts back a lot of overhead

7 yes

8 janitorial, about $15,000
Reply:1) Distribution and production

2) Seven years

3) Small business size but we have a factory, warehouses, and office.

4) Currently still pursuing bachelor's degree

5) Given an opportunity that sparks an interest, I took it.

6) I mostly calculate explicit costs. There are too many implicit costs and are usually not considered. I work as hard as I can so that opportunity costs don't stack up too much.

7) Not yet.

8) I've done translation and administrative work at a medical supply company and I'm also doing publication editing for my industry. Salary isn't a big issue since I would be more than willing to reinvest that into the company.

false teeth

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